If you’ve been involved in a slip and fall accident, the first thing to do is seek medical attention. The next thing to do is take steps to make sure you will be made whole physically, financially, and emotionally as you recover. Here is what to do after a slip and fall accident.

What Is a Slip and Fall Accident?

A slip and fall accident is an incident when an individual falls as a result of unsafe conditions on public or private property. A slip and fall can result in a slip and fall lawsuit if the individual who fell is injured and the fall was caused by the negligence of a person or company.

Negligence of the property may include wet or slippery floors, inadequate lighting, uneven flooring, poorly maintained pathways, icy walkwalks, or obstacles and debris in walking paths. A slip and fall accident could occur in a public place, on private property, or at a workplace.

Related: 6 of the Most Commonly Asked Questions About Personal Injury 

Who Is Liable in a Slip and Fall Accident?

A liable party in a slip and fall accident is a person or company who is legally responsible for the property and/or at-fault for causing the injury. A liable party must have acted negligently, failed to act, or engaged in some other type of wrongdoing that led to conditions that caused the injury.

A liable party in a slip and fall accident may be:

  • A person or company who owns the property where the accident occurred
  • A commercial tenant who operates on the property where the accident occurred
  • A person or company who manages the property where the accident occurred

Who is responsible will depend on the details of the accident. The liable party would have been able to prevent the unsafe condition that caused the accident and/or been aware of an unsafe condition but failed to resolve it.

Related: Personal Injury Compensation: What Can You Fight For?

What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident on private or public property, act quickly. Here’s what to do after a slip and fall accident if you want to seek legal action against the negligent party.

1. Seek medical attention.

Before anything else, take care of yourself. Immediately seek medical assistance. Receiving professional medical care both ensures your injuries are addressed and creates an official report of your injuries.

2. Report the incident.

Report the incident at the location where the slip and fall occurred. If it was a workplace accident or the accident occurred in a public place, talk to management and request an official report of the incident. If there is security footage, request a copy.

3. Collect documentation.

After a slip and fall accident, be vigilant about collecting assets that can support your case. Collect any documentation that can substantiate your claims and show your injuries.

  • Take photos of the property. Capture any details that show the negligent care of the property and what caused you to fall.
  • Create a list of witnesses. Get the names and contact information of anyone who saw what happened.
  • Take photos of your injuries. In addition to the doctor’s report, also document the progression of injuries on your body.
  • Document your losses. If your injuries forced you to take financial losses (such as the cost of missing work, cost of missing a trip that was already paid for, medical needs outside of your documented healthcare bills, etc.), itemize each expense.

4. Call a slip and fall attorney.

Don’t rely on your own knowledge of the law to determine whether or not you have met the requirements for a slip and fall lawsuit. Instead, talk to an experienced attorney who understands what legal standards must be met to win your case. Many personal injury attorneys will not require payment until they win your case, so you have nothing to lose by discussing your case.

Related: Think You Have a Slip and Fall Case? Do This.

Have You Had a Slip and Fall Accident? Take Action Today.

It’s best to take action right away, but if you have been in a slip and fall accident, you can take legal action up to four years after an injury. If you have an injury that was caused by a fall at a public or private location, talk to a slip and fall attorney today.

personal injury attorney can help you seek financial compensation to cover the medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering caused by your injury. Consultations are free with TJ Grimaldi, so request your consultation or call 813-226-1023 today.

TJ Grimaldi

TJ Grimaldi

TJ Grimaldi joined McIntyre in 2011. McIntyre recruited TJ to create the divisions of personal injury and family law, as well as to expand the existing criminal defense practice at the firm. During TJ’s tenure at McIntyre, he has helped oversee and grow these practice areas. He continues to practice in these divisions while also expanding his own practice areas to include estate planning and immigration law. TJ is admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Florida and the United States District Court for the Middle and Southern Districts of Florida.