Student Loans

Student loan debt is a significant financial burden affecting millions of individuals and families nationwide. If you are overwhelmed by student loan debt, you are not alone and do not need to go through this on your own. McIntyre’s team of student loan attorneys can help you if you are seeking debt relief, have been sued, or are dealing with a complicated legal issue arising from student loan debt.

Our attorneys are proficient in both federal and private student loan debt relief options and programs. Laws regarding student loans frequently change, and you can count on our team to know the most current rules and regulations and how to use current guidelines to your benefit. If you’re dealing with delinquency or default, filing for bankruptcy, or applying for a disability discharge, our team can offer legal support and guidance as well as relief from debt collectors.

Harassing letters, phone calls, or other correspondence with debt collectors may leave you overwhelmed and feeling upset, but there are several ways we can help. Our team of experienced attorneys can take over communication and negotiations with student loan holders and debt collectors, protect you from abusive debt collectors, and handle credit disputes.

When needed, our team can also take matters to court. We can litigate student loan-related matters, defend collections lawsuits, and sue a school or agency for legal violations. Whether you are looking to resolve delinquencies and defaults or apply for a discharge, our team can provide the most up-to-date legal advice and guidance regarding your rights and options.

For more information on how our student loan attorneys can assist you, call us at 813-223-0000 or contact us today.

Meet Our Student Loans Attorneys

Richard J. McIntyre

Civil litigation
Commercial Litigation
Real Estate Law
Transactional Law
Lender liability
Creditors’ Rights
Student Loans
Business Litigation
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Jeffrey Carl Hakanson

Real Estate Law
Creditors’ Rights
Student Loans
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