Many consumers with outstanding credit card obligations notice the late night commercials offering to settle or negotiate their debts. Consumers should be wary of such organizations, as there may be hidden fees associated with such programs, and these groups cannot give you legal advice or represent you in court. In fact, the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau (CFPB) has been investigating and even fining debt-settlement companies for false and misleading practices.
If you have credit card debt that is hard to manage, schedule a free consultation with a consumer attorney at the McIntyre Firm. A qualified consumer attorney can discuss the various options available to you including bankruptcy and debt settlement. Further, if you are sued by a credit card company or debt collector, the attorneys at McIntyre Thanasides Bringgold Elliott Grimaldi & Guito, P.A. can help you as we have represented hundreds of consumers in similar cases. Knowledge is power. Be informed by contacting a consumer attorney at the McIntyre Firm and scheduling a free consultation.